Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Three Amigas celebrate their birthdays!

The Three Amigas celebrating their birthdays!
Tara (9),  Maya (9) and Zara (11)

Many happy wishes with these trick candles!
Hold on tight! These gals are ready to take this jeep for a spin!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Cartwheels, Bikerides, and visits to Great Grandma's

Cartwheels in the park on a beautiful day

Zara doing Charades!

Maya racing Grandma Debbie and Zara
Time for yoga. Zara performing an awesome bridge

The race with Zara, Maya and Grandma Debbie. This time Zara's winning.

Grandma Debbie and Maya doing magic tricks at lunch downtown

The Ol' Ford is loaded for a Family Bike ride

Visit with Great Grandma Margaret and her new puppies

Great Grandma and I

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Girls and Dolls

Maya and Zara's latest Barbie Doll Designs

Zara's Kanani with the latest custom fashion

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sunshine, Rain and Giggling Girls!

Thunder & Lightning & Sunny Skies

The river has been continually flowing again...

The grape vine, raspberries & strawberries are loving the rain & sunshine

This is beautiful! Giggling girls happily running around playing games after school!
Looking up at pure joy: Zara, Lauren, Ansley and Maya

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Happy Sunday

Zara and Maya hiking with good friend & neighbor Ansley
searching for treasure...arrowheads and pottery shards
Zara after a beautiful day
Maya after a nice day of hiking

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Michigan Visit

The cousins all together for a photo shoot in the grass!
Jack, Beau, Maya, Zara and Leah
Aunt Kathy, Maya, Glory(woof), and Leah watching the Olympics of course!
Maya, Zara and Leah are reunited again! Great Love & Happiness!

The cousins swam every day...all day...just the way Summer should be!

Maya and Ruby on their way to the lake

Maya, Zara and Ruby relaxing at the cabin after playing in the lake all day!

Rob was the Captain of this boat ride today and we flew across the lake!
Guess how fast???!!! We had a blast! So much fun in Michigan!

More pictures to come...

love & remembrance of PopPop - 8/29/1935 - 1/5/2011

Crosswords and Coffee
We love you PopPop.

Thursday, July 19, 2012