Monday, January 14, 2013

Zara & Maya Honor Roll 2013

Maya shakes hands with Principal Mr. Ball and Assistant Principal Mrs. Crockett
 and receives her award for the honor roll!
Way to go Maya!!!
Zara shakes hands with Principal Mr. Ball and Assistant Principal Mrs. Crockett
 and receives her award for the honor roll!
Way to go Zara!!!
Congratulations Maya and Zara! We are proud of you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Zara and Maya,
I am so proud of you and your great efforts. I see by your certificates that your efforts resulted in honor roll performances. PopPop would be proud too. You are two cool Coronodo Cougars. I am roaring loud praises for both of you! Hope to see you soon. Lots of love, Grandma Liz